Thursday, August 20, 2009

We have seen the enemy and he is us

Entry for June 22, 2009
Current events seem to be totally focused on the uproar in Iran, due to the “election results” not being believed by many people in Tehran. In the United States, some people are upset that President Obama has only publicly stated, “The eyes of the world are on Iran now,” instead of saying something more hawkish or dovish. The reality is one most Americans are blind to.

The United States of America came into being in 1776 because of principles that did not want to be dominated by a King, and did not want to be dominated by (specifically) the Roman Catholic Church, or (generally) a theocracy. The Constitution of the United States of America was drafted to create a nation where the majority ruled, such that the true definition of “democracy” is, “majority rule government, by the people”. The term “republic” supports this rule by the “pubic”.

What is most often forgotten is the system that connected thirteen colonies, which became autonomous states, where the majority ruled each state, and representatives from each state were elected by the people to govern the overall wellbeing of the totality of the states. Safety in numbers was the basic theory behind the decision to have a republic form of government, where a strong central governing body offered more sustenance and security than did a confederation idea stated in the Articles of Confederation. However, the founding fathers made it clear, writing into the Constitution that if ever the strong republican government began to overstep its boundaries, set to do nothing more than serve the will of the majority, that government should be changed and a new Constitution written.

What is now happening in Iran is no different that what happened in the United States of America in 1860. While the issues are different, in both cases the people voiced strong opposition to the strong central government’s refusal to allow the will of the people to be the rule of law. The rights of states to be autonomous entities, where the will of the majority told its representatives to withdraw from the central government and write a new Constitution was challenged by the central republican government.

It was not challenged by words. It was challenged by armed assault. It became a declaration of war between the strong central republican government and the individual states, whose people had demanded sovereignty to do as they wished. The war would be fought by people drafted by the strong central republican government (conscripted without their will in many cases), and those volunteering to sacrifice their lives for the principles of democracy (each southern state had its own army, which was sent to join with the armies of the other southern states).

In the years between 1860 and 1865, the eyes of the world were on the United States of America. The British assisted the northern states, or the government of the United States of America in Washington, D.C. (a city the British burned to the ground in 1814, only 46 years earlier). The French assisted the southern states, or the Confederacy headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama. The British were a stronger world naval presence, so their assistance kept the French from having an impact on the outcome of an American Civil War. The world was not allowed to meddle in what Americans were willing to fight amongst themselves to settle.

When the American Civil War was over the north had won. The south had been slashed and burned. Once the will of the people has been militarily quelled, democracy has nothing to do with the result. When the rebellious states were once again rejoined with the Union, democracy died in those United States of America. The Reconstruction Era was the most corrupt period the USA had known, up to that time. The people of the south would be politically punished for decades. That is how winners show their willingness to forgive and forget rebellion … by not letting that thought ever rise again.

The same can be expected in Iran today. Their strong central government, although never a democracy, is a republican theocracy, which depends on the majority of the people being Islamic. An election in an Islamic Republic is not the same thing as an election in a true democracy, one that has disdain for royal and religious rulers. An election in an Islamic Republic is not the same as one in an Iraqi dictatorship, or one in a Venezuelan dictatorship, or one like those that took place in the American presidential elections of 2000, 2004, and 2008. Even though all four are similarly aligned in principle (oligarchic rule), they all differ in philosophy (no kings born to rise to rule).

Nostradamus’ story told in the quatrains and letters of The Prophecies is about the rise of common man, to see it as necessary to dethrone rulers born of royal blood (the blood of Jesus Christ), thus divinely placed to rule by God, and replace them with leaders from their common ranks. Once empowered with the stolen rule, the common man would then block all attempts by religious rulers to subvert their governmental influence over the masses, with Communism being the ultimate philosophy ensuring that blockage. The theocracies of the world are the last vestiges of God’s rulers over the commoners.

Nostradamus named Iran as a central figure in the coming war of revenge and retribution against the world. This war will be called a holy war, although nothing holy will come from it. It will be called a holy war because the side taken by the Iranians will be as God’s avengers over those influenced by Satan, who historically have brought the pain of war to the Middle East, in the name of Christianity (the Crusades). This means that what is happening in Iran today is part of this trail to the coming holy war. While the world can watch, it cannot keep Iran from heading to the place where they will eventually go. At least, the world cannot keep Iran from going there by interfering with Iran’s affairs.

Iran’s pet name for the United States of America is “the Great Satan.” Iranians always say, “I don’t hate Americans. I just hate their government.” Osama bin Laden has repeatedly promised jihad against America, because, “the time has come for Americans to be responsible for the doings of their government.”

All of this means that while the world watches Iran, the world should be seeing itself. Everyone else must see Iran as not the cause, but the reaction to another cause. The cause is the hatred for Iran by the outside world, which was caused by a Christian-Communist world’s hatred of Islam. Iranians hate being hated, and Ahmadinejad represents that hatred of a world that hates Iran. He represents the leader who is against would-be kings ruling over Iran (America and its allies, as the strongest nations of the world), and who would be act as God’s theocracy over Iran (another Christian Crusade by the Knights of America). Ahmadinejad is therefore a reflection of Thomas Jefferson, who hated a British crown and theocratic influences on that crown, enough to go to war against a greater foe, simply on principles.

The world feels threatened because the world is a threat. When one is threatened, the one to stop is the one causing the threat. In other words, the United States is creating the threat to Iran, not by its action of watching today, but by its subversion over the past sixty years. Nostradamus wrote of this too: the creation of the State of Israel on stolen Arab land; the creation of puppet rulers in several Middle Eastern / North African lands, in particular the Shah of Iran; creating the American Hostage Crisis, the Iraq Wars of 1991 and 2003, and the Afghanistan War (2002 to present). If America feels threatened by Iran, Americans need to make the United States of America stop being a threat to Iran.

The other option is to make some kind of decision about Iran’s decision about its civil unrest. If they do not overturn the election results, then America should do what? Should America and its allies make things economically bad for the Iranian people, like the way it punished Saddam Hussein for kicking out weapons inspectors? They are the ones protesting the results of the election. Should they be starved to death? What has the United States done about that dictator in North Korea, Kim Jong-il? It is starving North Koreans through sanctions. That works so well they are sending ships out into the Pacific so the range of their missiles can reach Hawaii.

Americans need to listen when someone says someone else is wrong. There is some truth to every story. Compromise is often a good route to take. Simple rejection only works when the explanation for something has been heard, without any proof to back it up, time and time again. When North Korea, Venezuela, and Iran want to test the ability of the United States to police the whole world, preventing nuclear proliferation, it says something more is wrong than North Korea, or Iran having nuclear weapons. Anyone having nuclear weapons is a danger to the world. The United States and Israel have nuclear weapons, which is threatening the Middle East, causing them to want them as a threat to us. What goes around comes around. The only way to stop that madness is to stop ourselves first. One cannot gain peace through war. One can only kill so many people that the war has to take a break for a few decades, so some new blood can then grow and become ready to sacrifice anew for an old cause.

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