Thursday, August 20, 2009

Quatrain IX-73

Entry for June 30, 2009

One last entry on this blog. It has to do with the timing element of astrological-astronomical data. To demonstrate, I will use quatrain IX - 73. That quatrain states (My English translation only):

Within Time enters this scorned Turban,
And will govern least evolved Saturn,
King Uproar-one white & Byzantium heart edict,
Sun, Mars, Mercury near there the urn.

Focusing first only on the fourth line, "the urn" is the sign of Aquarius (the water-bearer). The "Sun, Mars, (and) Mercury" are all "there" in Aquarius, and they are all "near", which is astrological lingo for being in conjunction with each other. That means the planets cannot be more than 5 degrees of arc away from one another. With three planets involved, the widest arc would be 10 degrees, if each was 5 degrees apart, say at 5, 10, 15 degrees of Aquarius.

The next thing that has to be recognized is the order that the heavenly bodies went into Aquarius. The order is: Sun first, Mars second, and Mercury third. Now, the Sun goes into Aquarius every year, between late January and late February. Mercury is never more than 30 degrees from the Sun, so it often goes into Aquarius around the time the Sun does, although sometimes before, sometimes after, and at other times they miss being in Aquarius at the same time. Mars is the slowest planet, taking a little less than two years to go through all the signs, so it goes through Aquarius roughly every two years. The only thing one has to do is see when this order of movement into Aquarius occurred, and see if all were conjunct. Sounds simple, right?

Knowing that the story of The Prophecies is mostly relative to the 20th and 21st centuries (early 21st century), I checked a 100-year ephemeris for the 20th century, and a 50-year ephemeris for the 21st century, and guess what. There was only one time this specific alignment occurred, in that order, when all were conjunct for any period of time. The time was in 1979.

On January 21, 1979, the Sun moved into Aquarius first. Only 1.5 hours later, Mars entered too, second, meaning both were instantly conjunct. Then, on January 29, 1979 Mercury moved into Aquarius, only a little more than 5 degrees from Mars (close enough to call it conjunct), while Mars was still conjunct with the Sun (2 degrees away from Mars - 8.5 to 6.5 degrees). By the 30th all were solidly conjunct. On the 14th of February (15 days later) all had remained conjunct. Late on the 14th Mercury left Aquarius, going into Pisces, leaving Sun and Mars about 5 degrees apart, still conjunct. Again, there were other times all were in Aquarius together, but only 2-3 times in the right order, and only once when all were conjunct.

Now, since this is on line four, the timing has to relate to what was stated before. That means we then have to figure out the first three lines. To make a long story short, if you look up in an internet history of 1979 list, it becomes easy to see the guy in the Turban (sometimes mistakenly translated as the "man in the blue turban" - WRONG!) is the Ayatollah Khomeini, who had been "scorned" into exile, then in France. The governing part, where "Saturn" has the symbolic meaning of ruling harshly, as a punisher, is how the Ayatollah ruled (through henchmen running the government, so he could pray), but also how the Shah of Iran had ruled prior to abdicating his throne. He did that, by the way, on January 1, 1979, clearing the way for the Turban man to enter.

The "King" of line three also works both ways, such that the Shah, who was the equivalent of a "King", had gotten the people in Iran in an uproar, kinda like they were recently after the election there. That uproar led to his abdication. The King Uproar-one, as Khomeini, is because the Shah, as a puppet for America, had forced a "white" revolution on the people, meaning he was Westernizing Iran, much to the chagrin of the Islamists. In fact, the Shah wanted Iran to be "white" like Turkey was when under "Byzantine" rule. That was a "heart" warming feeling to the West, needing Iranian oil, but to the Muslims it felt "heart" sick, like another Crusade was underway.

The Ayatollah returned from exil to Iran on February 1, 1979. He declared an Islamic Revolution on February 6, 1979. He seized power over Iran on February 11, 1979.

All while "Sun, Mars, Mercury" were "near" one another in conjunction, "there" in "the urn" of Aquarius. That my friends is some accurate prophesizing. That's a 424-year vision of the future, exactly as the future would unfold.


  1. Hi there -- when does this "conjunction" happen again? THanks!

  2. In my horescope- Sun, Mars and Mercury in Acqurius now.

  3. Quatrain V-25

    The Arab Prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,
    The rule of the Church will succumb by sea:
    Towards Persia very nearly a million men,
    The true serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt.

    May I request for some detail and timeline about this Quatrain.


    Mohammad Yaqub
    Al Khobar
    Saudi Arabia
