Thursday, August 20, 2009

They're Alive!

I had a blog from 2007 to the middle of 2009 on Yahoo, where my website is located. Then, after several account changes initiated by Yahoo (from one type of account class to a small business class, among others) was the notification that my blog would inexplicably disappear in June. They advised saving the blog posts, which I did, but I just recently found them in a file drawer.

The posts can no longer be seen online, since the blog they appeared on originally is history; but I have resurrected the ones from 2009. They will appear after this post, with the most recent first. There are six I transferred to here. I did not copy some rant postings, which have little to do with Nostradamus, other than a world gone to heck in a handbasket (something that is irritating to me at times) is the general theme of Nostradamus.

The blogs offer information that is still worthy of viewing. Enjoy.

Quatrain IX-73

Entry for June 30, 2009

One last entry on this blog. It has to do with the timing element of astrological-astronomical data. To demonstrate, I will use quatrain IX - 73. That quatrain states (My English translation only):

Within Time enters this scorned Turban,
And will govern least evolved Saturn,
King Uproar-one white & Byzantium heart edict,
Sun, Mars, Mercury near there the urn.

Focusing first only on the fourth line, "the urn" is the sign of Aquarius (the water-bearer). The "Sun, Mars, (and) Mercury" are all "there" in Aquarius, and they are all "near", which is astrological lingo for being in conjunction with each other. That means the planets cannot be more than 5 degrees of arc away from one another. With three planets involved, the widest arc would be 10 degrees, if each was 5 degrees apart, say at 5, 10, 15 degrees of Aquarius.

The next thing that has to be recognized is the order that the heavenly bodies went into Aquarius. The order is: Sun first, Mars second, and Mercury third. Now, the Sun goes into Aquarius every year, between late January and late February. Mercury is never more than 30 degrees from the Sun, so it often goes into Aquarius around the time the Sun does, although sometimes before, sometimes after, and at other times they miss being in Aquarius at the same time. Mars is the slowest planet, taking a little less than two years to go through all the signs, so it goes through Aquarius roughly every two years. The only thing one has to do is see when this order of movement into Aquarius occurred, and see if all were conjunct. Sounds simple, right?

Knowing that the story of The Prophecies is mostly relative to the 20th and 21st centuries (early 21st century), I checked a 100-year ephemeris for the 20th century, and a 50-year ephemeris for the 21st century, and guess what. There was only one time this specific alignment occurred, in that order, when all were conjunct for any period of time. The time was in 1979.

On January 21, 1979, the Sun moved into Aquarius first. Only 1.5 hours later, Mars entered too, second, meaning both were instantly conjunct. Then, on January 29, 1979 Mercury moved into Aquarius, only a little more than 5 degrees from Mars (close enough to call it conjunct), while Mars was still conjunct with the Sun (2 degrees away from Mars - 8.5 to 6.5 degrees). By the 30th all were solidly conjunct. On the 14th of February (15 days later) all had remained conjunct. Late on the 14th Mercury left Aquarius, going into Pisces, leaving Sun and Mars about 5 degrees apart, still conjunct. Again, there were other times all were in Aquarius together, but only 2-3 times in the right order, and only once when all were conjunct.

Now, since this is on line four, the timing has to relate to what was stated before. That means we then have to figure out the first three lines. To make a long story short, if you look up in an internet history of 1979 list, it becomes easy to see the guy in the Turban (sometimes mistakenly translated as the "man in the blue turban" - WRONG!) is the Ayatollah Khomeini, who had been "scorned" into exile, then in France. The governing part, where "Saturn" has the symbolic meaning of ruling harshly, as a punisher, is how the Ayatollah ruled (through henchmen running the government, so he could pray), but also how the Shah of Iran had ruled prior to abdicating his throne. He did that, by the way, on January 1, 1979, clearing the way for the Turban man to enter.

The "King" of line three also works both ways, such that the Shah, who was the equivalent of a "King", had gotten the people in Iran in an uproar, kinda like they were recently after the election there. That uproar led to his abdication. The King Uproar-one, as Khomeini, is because the Shah, as a puppet for America, had forced a "white" revolution on the people, meaning he was Westernizing Iran, much to the chagrin of the Islamists. In fact, the Shah wanted Iran to be "white" like Turkey was when under "Byzantine" rule. That was a "heart" warming feeling to the West, needing Iranian oil, but to the Muslims it felt "heart" sick, like another Crusade was underway.

The Ayatollah returned from exil to Iran on February 1, 1979. He declared an Islamic Revolution on February 6, 1979. He seized power over Iran on February 11, 1979.

All while "Sun, Mars, Mercury" were "near" one another in conjunction, "there" in "the urn" of Aquarius. That my friends is some accurate prophesizing. That's a 424-year vision of the future, exactly as the future would unfold.

We have seen the enemy and he is us

Entry for June 22, 2009
Current events seem to be totally focused on the uproar in Iran, due to the “election results” not being believed by many people in Tehran. In the United States, some people are upset that President Obama has only publicly stated, “The eyes of the world are on Iran now,” instead of saying something more hawkish or dovish. The reality is one most Americans are blind to.

The United States of America came into being in 1776 because of principles that did not want to be dominated by a King, and did not want to be dominated by (specifically) the Roman Catholic Church, or (generally) a theocracy. The Constitution of the United States of America was drafted to create a nation where the majority ruled, such that the true definition of “democracy” is, “majority rule government, by the people”. The term “republic” supports this rule by the “pubic”.

What is most often forgotten is the system that connected thirteen colonies, which became autonomous states, where the majority ruled each state, and representatives from each state were elected by the people to govern the overall wellbeing of the totality of the states. Safety in numbers was the basic theory behind the decision to have a republic form of government, where a strong central governing body offered more sustenance and security than did a confederation idea stated in the Articles of Confederation. However, the founding fathers made it clear, writing into the Constitution that if ever the strong republican government began to overstep its boundaries, set to do nothing more than serve the will of the majority, that government should be changed and a new Constitution written.

What is now happening in Iran is no different that what happened in the United States of America in 1860. While the issues are different, in both cases the people voiced strong opposition to the strong central government’s refusal to allow the will of the people to be the rule of law. The rights of states to be autonomous entities, where the will of the majority told its representatives to withdraw from the central government and write a new Constitution was challenged by the central republican government.

It was not challenged by words. It was challenged by armed assault. It became a declaration of war between the strong central republican government and the individual states, whose people had demanded sovereignty to do as they wished. The war would be fought by people drafted by the strong central republican government (conscripted without their will in many cases), and those volunteering to sacrifice their lives for the principles of democracy (each southern state had its own army, which was sent to join with the armies of the other southern states).

In the years between 1860 and 1865, the eyes of the world were on the United States of America. The British assisted the northern states, or the government of the United States of America in Washington, D.C. (a city the British burned to the ground in 1814, only 46 years earlier). The French assisted the southern states, or the Confederacy headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama. The British were a stronger world naval presence, so their assistance kept the French from having an impact on the outcome of an American Civil War. The world was not allowed to meddle in what Americans were willing to fight amongst themselves to settle.

When the American Civil War was over the north had won. The south had been slashed and burned. Once the will of the people has been militarily quelled, democracy has nothing to do with the result. When the rebellious states were once again rejoined with the Union, democracy died in those United States of America. The Reconstruction Era was the most corrupt period the USA had known, up to that time. The people of the south would be politically punished for decades. That is how winners show their willingness to forgive and forget rebellion … by not letting that thought ever rise again.

The same can be expected in Iran today. Their strong central government, although never a democracy, is a republican theocracy, which depends on the majority of the people being Islamic. An election in an Islamic Republic is not the same thing as an election in a true democracy, one that has disdain for royal and religious rulers. An election in an Islamic Republic is not the same as one in an Iraqi dictatorship, or one in a Venezuelan dictatorship, or one like those that took place in the American presidential elections of 2000, 2004, and 2008. Even though all four are similarly aligned in principle (oligarchic rule), they all differ in philosophy (no kings born to rise to rule).

Nostradamus’ story told in the quatrains and letters of The Prophecies is about the rise of common man, to see it as necessary to dethrone rulers born of royal blood (the blood of Jesus Christ), thus divinely placed to rule by God, and replace them with leaders from their common ranks. Once empowered with the stolen rule, the common man would then block all attempts by religious rulers to subvert their governmental influence over the masses, with Communism being the ultimate philosophy ensuring that blockage. The theocracies of the world are the last vestiges of God’s rulers over the commoners.

Nostradamus named Iran as a central figure in the coming war of revenge and retribution against the world. This war will be called a holy war, although nothing holy will come from it. It will be called a holy war because the side taken by the Iranians will be as God’s avengers over those influenced by Satan, who historically have brought the pain of war to the Middle East, in the name of Christianity (the Crusades). This means that what is happening in Iran today is part of this trail to the coming holy war. While the world can watch, it cannot keep Iran from heading to the place where they will eventually go. At least, the world cannot keep Iran from going there by interfering with Iran’s affairs.

Iran’s pet name for the United States of America is “the Great Satan.” Iranians always say, “I don’t hate Americans. I just hate their government.” Osama bin Laden has repeatedly promised jihad against America, because, “the time has come for Americans to be responsible for the doings of their government.”

All of this means that while the world watches Iran, the world should be seeing itself. Everyone else must see Iran as not the cause, but the reaction to another cause. The cause is the hatred for Iran by the outside world, which was caused by a Christian-Communist world’s hatred of Islam. Iranians hate being hated, and Ahmadinejad represents that hatred of a world that hates Iran. He represents the leader who is against would-be kings ruling over Iran (America and its allies, as the strongest nations of the world), and who would be act as God’s theocracy over Iran (another Christian Crusade by the Knights of America). Ahmadinejad is therefore a reflection of Thomas Jefferson, who hated a British crown and theocratic influences on that crown, enough to go to war against a greater foe, simply on principles.

The world feels threatened because the world is a threat. When one is threatened, the one to stop is the one causing the threat. In other words, the United States is creating the threat to Iran, not by its action of watching today, but by its subversion over the past sixty years. Nostradamus wrote of this too: the creation of the State of Israel on stolen Arab land; the creation of puppet rulers in several Middle Eastern / North African lands, in particular the Shah of Iran; creating the American Hostage Crisis, the Iraq Wars of 1991 and 2003, and the Afghanistan War (2002 to present). If America feels threatened by Iran, Americans need to make the United States of America stop being a threat to Iran.

The other option is to make some kind of decision about Iran’s decision about its civil unrest. If they do not overturn the election results, then America should do what? Should America and its allies make things economically bad for the Iranian people, like the way it punished Saddam Hussein for kicking out weapons inspectors? They are the ones protesting the results of the election. Should they be starved to death? What has the United States done about that dictator in North Korea, Kim Jong-il? It is starving North Koreans through sanctions. That works so well they are sending ships out into the Pacific so the range of their missiles can reach Hawaii.

Americans need to listen when someone says someone else is wrong. There is some truth to every story. Compromise is often a good route to take. Simple rejection only works when the explanation for something has been heard, without any proof to back it up, time and time again. When North Korea, Venezuela, and Iran want to test the ability of the United States to police the whole world, preventing nuclear proliferation, it says something more is wrong than North Korea, or Iran having nuclear weapons. Anyone having nuclear weapons is a danger to the world. The United States and Israel have nuclear weapons, which is threatening the Middle East, causing them to want them as a threat to us. What goes around comes around. The only way to stop that madness is to stop ourselves first. One cannot gain peace through war. One can only kill so many people that the war has to take a break for a few decades, so some new blood can then grow and become ready to sacrifice anew for an old cause.

Seeing the same thing differently

Entry for May 17, 2009

I apologize for having not posted in a while. I have been working on my next book, and I have been involved in some learning activities that have taken up the majority of my time lately. The learning activities are now reaching a break point, leaving me time to focus more on the book.

I saw a post on one of the past entries I made (March maybe?), which generated a thread of comments. The post was for a website (Hungarian I believe), with an English translation made available. The English was difficult to follow, as was the theory; but it was interesting. A friend I met was doing similar work with the Bible, particularly the bookof The Revelation (but later Genesis as well), which is finding amazing codes embedded into texts. The link I checked out reminded me of my friend's posts.

I have long seen my work with Nostradamus symbolized by the Richard Dryfus character in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. He was compelled to make a paper-maché mountain, which it turned out many other people had similar compulsions, only different. I see this as why so many people cannot fully grasp what I am trying to explain about what Nostradamus wrote - it is why I can't fully grasp what my friend and this poster (and other posters with links attached here) is trying to say. All I know is we are all looking at the same distant point, from different perspectives.

My next book has the working title of "The Systems of Nostradamus". It is a refinement of what I attempted to explain in part of Pearls Before Swine, Vol. 1. This book will be much clearer, and it will act as a "how to" book on understanding Nostradamus. Keep in mind that a "how to build a house" book does not come with lumber, nails, hammers, or saws. Some other materials will be required to come by, but with my book anyone who wants to can learn how to understand The Prophecies. I see it as a course I could teach, if anyone is interested.

Quatrain X-74

Entry for March 17, 2009

I had a question on my other blog about the quatrain numbered X - 74, which is somewhat commonly known as the "Games of Slaughter" quatrain. I believe the person posing the question is in his 20s (perhaps late teens), because he saw this quatrain in a modern light, one of video games. He did not sound old enough to have known about the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany, where members of the Palestinian freedom fighters-terrorists killed eleven members of the Israeli team, with themselves being killed by German military-police-SWAT.

While those were REAL Games of Slaughter, the person made a good point about how today's video games have become gorier and gorier. He, as a seasoned player, stated he was being appalled at how bloody they have become; and he saw where other translators have read the last line of that quatrain to say, "When the dead will come out of their grave."

From ads I have seen on television, the dead coming out of their grave seems normal in a shoot-em-up, hack-em-up, kick some alien butt, re-live the carnage of World War II on your XBox / Wii / whatever the latest is video-computer gadget game is. Is it still the same as it was with Super Mario Brothers on Nintendo, back in 1988-1990? If you die, do you get another life and keep playing? I imagine that would act like the dead coming out of their grave. It could seem like Nostradamus might be watching kids playing those games of slaughter when he wrote that quatrain.

There could be a parallel, certainly; but Nostradamus was referring to the '72 Summer Olympics in line two of this quatrain. There can be no doubt of that, if you know what was really stated. And, line four does not say, "When the dead will come out of their grave." That is just another bit of evidence of how I mean it when I say, "Everything you think you know about Nostradamus is wrong." You cannot look up a Nostradamus quatrain on the Internet and just take it as the whole truth. Half-truths maybe, but not the whole truth.

Lines one and two state: Year revolved to the great number seventh / Will appear at the time Games of Slaughter.

The question made me take another look at this quatrain. I'm glad I did. It always amazes me to see something new in something I have looked at before and thought I was amazed then. Two thing I missed in line one was the key verb, "revolved" (revolu) and the noun, "number" (nombre). I was looking at "Year" and "seventh", and seeing the "seventh" decade of the 20th Century. One "Year", the first even "number" "Year", the first "Year" of an Olympics in the "seventh" decade. I saw that as a tight fit for the 1972 Olympics.

While it is some good evidence, it is not "seal a deal" evidence, especially when trying to convince a doubter (I know you're out there) that Nostradamus was a Prophet of God, with nothing but truth to tell. The "revolved" word has been translated by many as "accomplished". This is incorrect. In Old French, "revolu" is said to translate as, "revolved; rounded or turned wholly, past or gone fully about." As far as idioms go, the French phrase, "L'an revolu" means, "The year fully ended." Unfortunately, Nostradamus did not write a book of idioms, or we would all know precisely what Nostradamus meant long ago. The word "revolu" best translates as "revolved", with the modern usage meaning simply, "past".

When we find we are looking for an important "Year" (capitalized word), one that has "revolved", meaning an important "Year past" that has come full circle to an important "Year" presently "revolved" to again, we are not looking for the "number seventh", as the "seventh Year", but the "number" of other important "Years past", which makes the "revolved number" the "seventh". The "seventh" decade has nothing to do with the meaning of "number seventh" yet. That is found in line two.

Line two states, "Will appear at the time Games of Slaughter." This is stating that the important "Year" is "the time" of reference. It is a "time" when a "Year revolves", or repeats. A Leap "Year" is "revolved" every four years; and so too is an Olympics "Year" likewise "revolved". We find out we are talking about an Olympics (capitalized word) because "at the time will appear Games" (capitalized word). Big G "Games" are none other than the Olympics, at least since the Olympics restarted at the turn of the 19th Century to the 20th Century (the Modern Olympics [revolved Games] began in 1896). Thus, we are looking for the important "Year" when the "Games" "Will appear" again "revolved", this time to a "Year" of the "seventh number", like the "seventh" decade of the renewed "Games", which would be in the 1970s. This is when "Will appear" (capitalized word, in this case emphasizing a sudden appearance seen from the past) "Games of Slaughter". That would be the 1972 Munich Olympics.

However, the key words are still "revolved" and "seventh". Munich is in Germany. The "Year" of 1972 stood as an important "Year". It was the first "time" Germany had hosted the "Games" since Adolph Hitler was Chancellor, during the "Games" of Berlin, in 1936. So, the "Games" had "revolved" back to Germany. Now, if one subtracts 1936 from 1972, one gets 36. Divide 36 by 4 and you get 9. Thus, there were nine sets of "Games" scheduled to appear (not capitalized) in the revolution back to Germany. Unfortunately due to some great "Slaughter" (capitalized word) between 1939 and 1945, in and around Germany, only six Olympics had been held between 1936 and 1968 (1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, and 1968). This means the 1972 Munich Olympics "Will appear" (capitalized word) as the "seventh" in a "number" of Olympic "Games", which represented the cycle of "Games" that had "revolved" them back to Germany. That is nothing short of amazing. I had not seen any of this detail before, because it was so obvious to me that the "Games of Slaughter" were the 1972 Olympics of death.

There is much more to see in this quatrain, including the reality of what line four says. But, I will leave that for another time and another place.

Comments on astrology

Entry for January 19, 2009

Let me say a few words about astrology. Most people have the notion that astrology is what they read in the funny papers. Daily horoscopes, as far as I am concerned, are hooey. I have known some fairly reputable astrologers that signed on with newspapers or magazines to write entertainment and let people think that is astrology.

The word horoscope is from the Greek combo Hour-observer. From this origin, the word can be seen as meaning a chart for any hour of time. Individuals get one assigned for that person's birth hour. Then, the planets can again be frozen in time for a comparison of the natal chart. The planetary positions frozen on paper at the birth hour are meshed with a chart for another time after birth. This second chart can be for a projected time into the future; but a time far into the future could have no immediate importance. Therefore, a horoscope is a comparison to the individual's chart (birth chart) and a global chart (where the planets are for everyone - aka transit chart).

In other words, a newspaper horoscope is from only looking at a global chart, with 12 Sun points known (aka the zodiac signs) for comparison. The Sun points are roughly in the center of a 30-degree range, but they can be adjected to fit the degree where an important planet is traveling. This makes an entertainment horoscope mostly misses, but sometimes a strong hit happens. Chance is only at play, but there are some methods applied. Just know that a real horoscope is between a qualified astrologer and you, with an accurate birth chart cast (precise time of birth, location of birth, date of birth).

There is not causal effect argument that can be made as to how astrology works. This means a planet has no effect that will cause you to do something. Even though the Sun can make you sweat and give you a tan or sunburn, and the moon can make the tide go up and down, none of that has anything to do with astrology. Astrology is an art that requires an ability to read how the placement of planets reflects, or mirrors, their relationship to your natal planetary positions. It is all symbolic reflection.

Have you ever gone into the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror? Sometimes you see flaws that need to be covered up or doctored. Sometimes you see near perfection, or you see the process that is required to get close to that perfection. Sometimes you see someone tired. Sometimes you see someone unkempt. Sometimes you see someone that no longer looks like the someone you used to see there.

Now, ask yourself this question: Does that mirror cause me to look the way I look? As you come to that simple answer, ask yourself this question next: When I leave the bathroom, if someone else was to come in and looks at the same mirror, would that someone see me? If you were able to come to rational answers to these two questions, you now know see how astrology works like a mirror, reflecting self back at you.

Self is a very important thing to know. Some people know themselves very well, and go about leading their lives in ways that count on their personal strengths, while controlling their personal weaknesses. Those people do not need astrologers, if they are doing all that naturally. However, some people are blind when they look in the mirror. They see someone that is not there, thinking if they deny what they see the world will be fooled if they act like someone else. Those people usually lead lives running into bridk walls a lot. That happens when you are blind and do not admit it. Astrology could help those people (with a qualified astrologer), but health insurace is more likely to pay a shrink to help one face the realities of life.

Before someone can look at a horoscope and expect to have some stranger tell them what their future will be, that someone must first know self. In fact, a psychologist cannot help someone with their past problems if their client will not tell them the truth about themselves. In the same manner, an astrologer cannot really help anyone without knowing the person they are trying to help better.

Truth is another reflection of image. Tell the truth, the truth gets told back to you. Tell a lie and what else can you expect to hear? That is why so many fake astrologers, psychics, Tarot readers, et al get in the news. They lied about being whatever they said they were; but they were lying to liars, so they thought it was okay.

One needs to develop a relationship with a good astrologer, so an astrologer can best learn a client's natural strengths and weaknesses. This is seen by reviewing (sharing) past failures and successes seen reflected in key past charts. Then, when a reflection patterns have yielded a modus operandus, it becomes possible to see how a reflection into the future can be prepared for. However, the future, just like the past and present, happens because we act.

Only rarely does a check come in the mail out of the blue. We have to make things happen, and astrology is a way to take advantage of open windows of opportunity; but we have to have something that says we are prepared (from the past) to succeed in the future. Like the saying goes, timing is everything. Predictive astrology is the art of using the timing reflected in the planetary motions.

Nostradamus was an excellent astrologer. He was able to use astrological charts to predict a year's worth of happenings coming to France. During the 16th Century, things were much simplier, thus easier to predict what would happen at certain times, especially to natives like the king and France itself. Nostradamus was highly accurate with his astrological horoscopes, written in poetic verse style, in publications called Almanachs.

Nostradamus admitted in his letter of Preface to The Prophecies that the almanacs were calculated; but he said The Prophecies were not. He even went so far as to explain that the accuracy he enjoyed making astrological predictions was from something beyond basic abilities to calculate a chart and read some "cookbook" predictions. A "cookbook" prediciton is based on two planets being in a certain alignment, which reflects certain earthly events.

Nostradamus said he trusted his intuition, such that he pondered the charts before him and then did a zen-like blank mind stare, waiting for the voice in his inner mind to give him a picture of what would come. Nostradamus called this inner source the "good Angels" within. It means he used astrological charts to key meditative thoughts to get meaning from planetary alignments.

This means he did not practice some form of magic or alchemy to write astrological predictions. In his Preface, he stated that magic was abhorable and detestable, as well as condemned by the Catholic Church. As for alchemy, this was the practice (or art) that would lead to the science of chemistry. Nostradamus was a botanist (before that name came to be) or a herbalist, meaning he knew some recipes for potions, elixers, remedies, and balms, from using plant pedals and oils, along with some basic minerals, like talc and kaolin. Certainly, Nostradamus did not write The Prophecies because he stared into some bowl of water, while conjuring up dead spirits, seeing halucinations from chewing on mushrooms. There is no evidence that Nostradamus ever did such things, so any attempts to cast that impression are lies.

If one wants to think that alchemy was metaphysical, such that they quested for the "philosopher's stone," so they could turn lead into gold, you need to join the Masons and go through their teachings. In that sense, alchemy is philosophy, not pseudo-science. There we have symbolic reflections also, such that some regular old leadbelly can become elevated to being a wealthy goldbagger. There is nothing chemical involved in that process. Again, Nostradamus was not a mason, and Freemasonry did not develop in France in the 16th Century. Where it developed before the 18th Century was hidden in Central Europe, and Scotland, while practically nonexistant in France.

Nostradamus wrote The Prophecies because he encountered the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus Christ. He was chosen as a prophet. He was told what to write. The message was to remain hidden until the time when it would become known had arrived, well after Nostradamus' death. He wrote a true Prophecy, and a true Prophecy does not come through any means other than divine inspiration. I know the Prophecy because I have been led to understand how to read what Nostradamus wrote, for complete meaning. You can read it for meaning too. You can make up your own mind that Nostradamus wrote a true Prophecy, but you have to believe in God and Jesus Christ. Otherwise, it will all still just be unintelligible to you. That is another reflection of self in the mirror. What you see is what you believe.

Oh, by the way, Nostradamus explained in his letter to Henri II that astrology originated in Sumeria (we have found facts that support that). Sumeria is where Abraham lived originally (in Ur). Jesus told Nostradamus that Abraham was the world's first great astrologer. Abraham was a great astrologer because he learned it from the master - God. God invented astrology and gave it to mankind so mankind could learn self-sontrol, while believing in God.

The Jews and Arabs were so good at astrology that the Roman Catholic Church had it banned in the West. That Church had a hard time trusting Jews and Arabs, thus their arts and practices. The past actions by the Church against astrology, Jews, and Arabs have been the cause why so many today do not have a clue what astrology really is about. Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot are all practiced by real students of true Kabballah. They all work best when you know what you are working with and you connect to God for guidance in making them work right.

Nostradamus: 2012, the program on the History Channel

Entry for January 5, 2009

Okay, once again I get more activity on this site when the History Channel shows a Nostradamus show. On Sunday evening, they debuted a production named “Nostradamus: 2012”. I watched it and took notes, because I wanted to keep everyone abreast on the accuracy of what they had to sell this time.

I will add much greater detail under my heading “This and That Archive” later. For the sake of simple minds floating through the blogesphere, I will try to keep this program review short. As such, two things stand out immediately that I saw.

One, the usual trick of building up belief for fifteen minutes, then busting that bubble for two minutes before a three minute commercial break, with some expert opinion that makes reason for disbelief possible, was not present. There were no talking heads that were chosen to debunk anything presented in this new program. There were eleven people given time to explain support for the central theme, in one form or another, from various levels of expertise in differing fields of study and focus. The primary opinions were made by promoters of Nostradamus, with others specializing in various views on Armageddon and the end of the world, through Mayan studies, Egyptian mystery schools-freemasons-alchemists, earth-space possibilities and probabilities, Hopi Indians, as well as some “Bible Code” and the “Lost Book of Nostradamus” leftovers.

Two, the theme was founded in the Mayan calendar prediction of 2012 being the end of time, due to that calendar not going beyond that year. Everything else was an attempt to tie other predictions to that same year, with Nostradamus being the marquee performer. However, the History Channel “Facebook” posting of an advertisement for the coming release of the program started off by saying, “Nostradamus: 2012 takes off where the Lost Book of Nostradamus left off.” That is the true theme, more than the same old Nostradamus stuff previously presented. They were basing the title on the name of Nostradamus largely because of the “Lost Book”, and on seven pictures from that book.

These pictures were not presented in that last production, which clearly indicated the artist could not have been Michel de Notredame, although it was possible it was one of his sons, most possibly Caesar Nostradamus. Therefore, “Nostradamus: 2012” could more rightly be named “Caesar Nostradamus: 2012”, with guest appearances from his father’s prophecies, which led to the artwork.

The 2-hour program (roughly 102 minutes) covered each of those seven pictures, with some of the commentators explaining the meanings of the images, in particular to how they were depicting an event that will occur in the year 2012. That event is the lining up of the Sun to the center of the Milky Way. These seven pictures were not presented in the other show about that source of all the book’s pictures, supposedly lost in the Vatican library.

In between the presentation of this meaning of pictures, the show presented (at least partially) fourteen quatrains from Les Propheties, a brief segment from Nostradamus’ “Epistle to Henry II”, and a quatrain identified as “Presage 16”. There was absolutely nothing explained about the meaning of these poems, or statements. Their presentation simply created the illusion that something of importance had just been shown.

They would cut from one picture’s explanation, or some other reference to the astronomy of a 26,000-year precession cycle, and previous known cataclysms, to a background picture of Nostradamus and an astrological chart. Then an invisible hand would write out the lines of an identified quatrain in white letters, as though Nostradamus was watching the program and writing at the same time. In each line that appeared, one word would turn to red and glow, before fading to black, shortly after another line would appear, repeating the same format.

With that dog and pony trick, they were actually just showing quatrains that had two or three words that went along with the theme of the show. Following the shift to a new scene, nothing was explained about the quatrain just presented. The commentators simply made more comments about something bad happening, using those words that had appeared in red-black.

The excerpt that was presented from the letter to Henri II was two segments of words (less than 40 total), from a letter of over 4200 words. Those two segments were clipped from one very long grouping of words segments, with several segments between them omitted. The words omitted would have shed a different light to those segments they chose to present, had they read them also. However, that would have made them make little sense, as far as supporting a theme of 2012 would be concerned.

The presage 16 they presented was something a man named Bernard Chevignard decided was important. He found similarities between the prophecy quatrains and the Almanac predictions. Presage 16 was actually a prediction Nostradamus made for the month of May, in the year 1557. This, like the presentation of the other Nostradamus material, was not explained as to why it had anything to do with 2012. There were simply foreboding words used, which fit the theme of Armageddon.

Some legitimate observations made include (and I paraphrase): Many of Nostradamus’ quatrains are pinpointing the period between 1992 and 2012 (Vincent Bridges); Nostradamus purposefully obscured the prophecies to mislead the idiots who would try to interpret them, while the truth would only be caught by a few (John Hogue); and, Nostradamus is telling us (in the modern world) to be careful (Vincent Bridges). As the show closed, the announcer said something to the effect, “Nostradamus says it is up to us to chose our future. We will either prevail or perish together.”

My view of this program is it does more harm than good. I fully agree that 2012 can be defended by what Nostradamus wrote; but you have to know how to read Nostradamus to make what he wrote become a full-scale argument for that time being a critical time to prepare for. Preparation has to include the understanding that Nostradamus did not write anything because he studied alchemy (which I have seen no proof of). Nostradamus wrote over and over, giving one piece of supporting evidence after another that he wrote a true prophecy, at the direction of Jesus Christ.

Without that understanding, we have no concept of preparing to face the year 2012 by beginning to change the way we are headed now, which is taking us to a terrible end. We must understand we are responsible for what happens in our world (not some alignment in the stars), and if we do nothing to change what will happen now, whatever happens then is on us. We can only truly be motivated to change by seeing for ourselves the power of true prophecy, which means actually taking the time to want to see Jesus Christ through the words of Nostradamus.

The Epistle to Henri II has a wealth of information that can nail down several years of importance, including 2012, but also slightly before and also beyond by twenty years. There are astrological quatrains that have planets positioned in alignments that will occur in November 2012, which is not far before the Galactic Alignment that is said to be coming on December 21, 2012. There are stories in both the quatrains and the letters that tell of events that will happen on the eve of all this happening in 2012, which will be the signs of having reached the point of no return. The point of having a point of no return is to no when the latest time to turn away from disaster will occur. That makes the point be to turn away as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I do not have a contract with the History Channel, so you will only see what I have to say here.

Again, I will go much further into some deeper explanation of the faults of this program in the Archive section. Give me a few days to get a page or two written. There will be another airing of the Nostradamus: 2012 program on January 8th, at 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. You can watch it again to see what I am talking about, with some knowledge of the tricks they pull.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Nostradamus & the History Channel

I watched an episode of the History Channel's series Decoding the Past today, this one focusing on Edgar Cayce. In the first 15 minutes of a 60 minute show, Cayce was not mentioned. They used that time to set up the theme of how so many different people had come up with prophecies about the end of the world (the names used were the Mayan Calendar; the Hopi Indians foretelling of the coming of a 5th world - the end of the 4th; Mother Shipton in England - contemporary to Nostradamus, but the two did not know one another; and the old standby himself - Nostradamus). This was the lead up to Edgar Cayce, although he did not (according to the show) predict much more than some earth changes, where parts of the East Coast would be submerged, with increased volcanic and hurricane activity between 1958 and 1998. That fell short of end of world stuff.

Let me clear up a couple of things for anyone who watched the same show (it is a repeat), and thinks a Histroy Channel show represents absolute truth. It does not.

First of all, this show identified Nostradamus as the "court astrologer and magician". Nostradamus was not a magician. He might have been an alchemist, in the truest form of the word (not someone who tried to change lead into gold, but someone who understood the philosopher stone as something grasped from within), but there is absolutely no proof that he was anything more than a botanist-apothecary. He knew how to make potions and salves, lozgenges for sore throats, etc. There is absolutely no proof that he practiced some form of slight of hand, with something up his sleeve, which is what magicians do. There is no real magic, despite how hard Harry Potter fans wish for it to be so.

This false claim led to them falsely claiming that "Nostradamus' most famous work, Les Propheties, was produced by astrological calculations and magic." That is so absurd, it is ridiculous. Nostradamus claimed he wrote from an estatic state, where the extacy was due to a divine presence. How wonderful a tie-in that truth would be to a show about Edgar Cayce, who fell asleep and was overcome by the divine, which talked through Cayce's mouth, while Cayce slept. The same thing happened to Nostradamus, only he was conscious while the spirit moved his hand and pen.

Second, they had John Hogue acting as "Prophecy Expert", who giddily proclaimed how great Nostradamus was by reminding the viewers that Nostradamus predicted the jousting death of King Henri II, with the announcer adding, "four years before his (Henri's) death." Hogue then read the audience that quatrain, leading one to think he knew what he was talking about. He would read something written by Nostradamus, then recite some known history of Henri's death, as one is led to believe the two parts (Nostradamus & History) connect. They do not. That quatrain is not about the death of Henri.

This is true history. Catherine de Medici, Henri's wife (queen) and mother of his heirs to the throne, loved Nostradamus and believed in his abilities as an astrologer. She summoned him to Paris on a few occasions, particularly about her seven sons. Nostradamus was made her court's Physician in Ordinary, in 1564, when Catherine was Queen Regent, after Henri's death. That was his only official title to the throne. It was, in fact, Catherine that began the rumor that one quatrain perfectly fit Henri's tragic accident.

Now with that relationship, would it not be strange that Nostradamus wrote about Henri's death in a quatrain, knew it to be that, but would later say to Catherine after Henri's death, "Darn Your Majesty. I was so sure you would figure out that one, before the King's horrible death." It would be strange, if not treasonous! But, it was not the truth, because Nostradamus did not know about Henri's coming death, or he would have told them to beware. That quatrain has nothing to do with Henri.

The quatrain in question is in Century 1, number 35. It goes like this:

The lion young them old will surpass (or vanquish),
In field warlike by special duel,
In cage of gold them eyes he will burst:
Two ranks one, then to die, death bloody.

Guess what a "lion" is. I'll tell you. It is someone from England, which is different from Scotland (then a very separate country - and wanting to be again now). Henri was wounded by a French nobleman, Gabriel de Montgomery, who was a captain in Henri's Scots Guard. The word used to state, "will surpass" or "will vanquish" is surmontera, which also means, "top, surmount", and "overcome". Montgomery was 29 when the accident took place, and he did not have reason to "vanquish" Henri. He gained nothing from it, and the Scots Guard tried for a long time to supress the connection to them and the death of a king. Montgomery was so distraught he left France. The accident took place on a jousting field, with stands for spectators, not a "field warlike" (bellique). There is a difference; but there was a duel (special or singular) between two warriors, one old, one young. A helmet is not a cage. A cage is more like a place where two men cannot get out - like a cage fight. "Of gold" means there will be wagers over the outcome, but some form of gold jewelry could be used to gouge eyes blind. "Two ranks one" means only one will stand in the end. One will die.

While it is true this quatrain could easily be mistaken for the history of the death of Henri II, more is needed to support that theory. Where else did Nostradamus tell that he foretold of the death of his king? There is nothing in the Preface or the letter he sent to Henri II. He said he wrote The Prophecies of a future long away from his times, after his own death, which was after Henri's death. An event in 1564 does not fit that information. This quatrain has nothing to support that as its event in history. Thus, the quatrain is telling of something still to come.

I think it is important to get the facts straight. The History Channel is more about sensationalism, and those guys tend to bend the truth.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why are so many people interested in Nostradamus?

Since I have been allowed to understand Nostradamus, for the purpose of sharing what I have found with others, I have found myself between two opposing views about Nostradamus. One view is from those who disdain religion, for a myriad of reasons, but love the thought that Nostradamus was some Merlin-like human being that unlocked the secrets of the universe with his own big brain (and perhaps some secret society of alchemists and astrologers), and they love elbowing with such types, hoping some magic will rub off on them. Those people spit venom when I suggest that Nostradamus was a Prophet of Jesus Christ. Then, on the other hand, there are the "Christians" who have been raised to think of Nostradamus as spawned of Satan, because he was an astrologer, thus a false prophet. Those people curse me with condemnations by suggesting that Jesus or God would ever encounter another Prophet, after the Bible was hammered around the 4th century A.D.

The way I see it is simple. People today recognize the name Nostradamus, 443 years after his death, 454 years after the first edition of The Prophecies, and 506 years after his birth, not because anyone really knows anything about Nostradamus, but because God has kept the mystique alive. If you can grasp that concept, then you have a chance to understand what God instructed Nostradamus to write. If God, as the Spirit of Jesus the Messiah, told Nostradamus to write The Prophecies and his letters of explanation, it was with the ultimate purpose of being understood.

Ask yourself ... why are you interested in Nostradamus?

What is the importance of a quatrain?

A quatrain is a 4-line poetic verse. Nostradamus' quatrains had an ABAB rhyme scheme (in French), both in his yearly Almanacs (labled "Presages") and in The Prophecies. Because his yearly quatrains were seen as individual predictions, each summing up one month of time in the coming year, the same concept was instantly applied to the quatrains in The Prophecies. However, that concept is part of why the totality of Nostradamus' poems in The Prophecies is still unknown. A quatrain in The Prophecies is seen only as one prophecy, (which it is) but it is more a connected prophecy to other individual prophecies.

The quatrains of an Almanac (say the one published for the year 1558, which listed 12 presages) can be seen as a string of relative quatrains, with all relative to the year 1558. In this way, they join to tell a story of that year. The random presentation of The Prophecies makes it appear that each quatrain stands alone, as there is no connection visible (for the most part) between one quatrain and those before and after it. Still, people who have poured over The Prophecies over the years realize that key terms are repeated in several quatrains, which are spread over different parts of the whole. This is a sign that the whole is out of order, and must be sorted so the quatrains that tell of the same general events (or period of history) are together. When this is actually done, the quatrains string together to tell stories, with these stories being stories within an overall story of the fall of mankind to its own destructive ways.

For every one quatrain that becomes a poster child for the History Channel productions, there are 10 - 20 quatrains that no one would dare try and publicize, simply because they make no sense. The reason they appear this way is they lack a theme to attach to. Those poster childs are the themes, which are clear to see. The rest have to be attached to them to see how they relate to the theme. Since they have not been, the great majority of quatrains are quietly ignored, because to promote the unknown is to promote what naysayers point out is chance makes a fraction of quatrains capable of coming true, in some fashion.

The importance of a quatrain is found when every quatrain can be seen to make sense. As a true Prophecy of God (Jesus), there can be no mistakes, or predictions that were off the mark, or frivilous, or unnecessary, or just plain wrong. All is of perfection and true, as Prophecy, or it is all a lie and just made up. This is where being able to make sense of a quatrain is all-important.

What did Nostradamus really write?

If you watch the History Channel enough, you are bound to come across a 1 to 2-hour show about Nostradamus. They love to show some of the verses (quatrains) he wrote, with some ominous music in the background and making certain words glow red and increase momentarily in size. That is great theactrical effect, but the reality is often what they show Nostradamus writing, he did not write.

Obviously, as a Frenchman Nostradamus wrote in French, and an English presentation on the History Channel can't show the French. However, it is not a simple thing to translate the French to English. This is where most people (including French speaking people) do not actually know what Nostradamus wrote. They depend on a translation being accurate, and they have not been accurate.

The reason is Nostradamus did not originate the words. The words come from a higher source. Therefore, the words are not limited by any one definition related to any one word. All definitions can apply. That means there is no way to maintain syntax, when any one word can have multiple meanings, with all being applicable to the meaning of the quatrain. This means that the French cannot read the French of Nostradamus correctly, because syntax is not present. It means that translators of the words of Nostradamus cannot translate them so they appear to have meaning, because they can only translate syntactically.

If you have never studied philosophy, you probably are not familiar with the premise of Occam's Razor (also spelled Ockham's). William of Ockham wrote "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate" or "plurality should not be posited without necessity." This can be boiled down to meaning, "less is more," such that when there is no need to further explain, the more one adds the weaker the defense becomes. This philosophy applies to the words of Nostradamus. One word, alone, means more than if that one word was necessarily connected to another word for its meaning. This is how one must read Nostradamus for understanding.